2024: My year of His Kingdom and His will


GUIDELINES GUIDING OUR GATHERING IN CHURCH We have returned to church, but with special guidelines. Here is a list of guidelines to follow so our church is safe for worship. New Service times. The service will start at 11 am Read more…
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Weekly News | 14th of July 2024 – 20th of July 2024

Remember that this is our year of ALL-ROUND DOMINION. We are dominating on every side in the name of Jesus...
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Weekly News | 7th of July 2024 – 13th of July 2024

Remember that this is our year of ALL-ROUND DOMINION. We are dominating on every side in the name of Jesus...
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Weekly News | 30th of June 2024 – 6th of July 2024

Remember that this is our year of ALL-ROUND DOMINION. We are dominating on every side in the name of Jesus...
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GUIDELINES GUIDING OUR GATHERING IN CHURCH We have returned to church, but with special guidelines. Here is a list of guidelines to follow so our church is safe for worship. New Service times. The service will start at 11 am Read more…
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Sunday 26.03.2017 Lesson 30 – Rapture: Purpose and qualification Text: John 14:1-16 Memory Verse: “In my father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you’’ John 14:2. Read more…
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Sunday School Review: FRESH ANOINTING

Sunday 19.03.2017 Lesson 29 – Fresh Anointing Text: Psalm 92:1-15 Memory Verse: “But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil”. Psalm 92:10 Lesson Outline God’s promises of fresh anointing Read more…
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Sunday School Review: SEIZE THE MOMENT

Lesson 28 – Seize the moment Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Memory verse: “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; Read more…
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Hello Everyone, Thanks for downloading and using Covenant Parish App. As a result of popular feedback on the ease of use and accessibility of the COVENANT PARISH app, we have done a total redesign of the app and the way it Read more…
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Topic: THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB Text: REVELATION 19:1-14 Memory Verse: “And he saith unto me, write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true Read more…
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Bible Study Review: WHO MADE YOU A JUDGE?

Topic: WHO MADE YOU A JUDGE? Text: ROMANS 2:1-15 Reflection: “…O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. But we are sure that the judgment Read more…
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Sunday School Review: MISSION: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (part 2)

Topic: MISSION: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (part 2) Text: Luke 15:3-6 Memory Verse: “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as Read more…
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Topic: UNRIGHTEOUSNESS REVEALED Text: ROMANS 1:18-32 Reflection: From our previous study, we established that righteousness is the life of God. Apostle Paul writing to the church in Rome according to our text, saying “For the wrath of God is revealed Read more…
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Sunday School Review; MISSION: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (part 1)

Topic: MISSION: MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER (part 1) Text: LUKE 4:17-21 Memory Verse: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew Read more…
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GUIDELINES GUIDING OUR GATHERING IN CHURCH We have returned to church, but with special guidelines. Here is a list of guidelines to follow so our church is safe for worship. New Service times. The service will start at 11 am Read more…
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Welcome to the month of October 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of September 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of August 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of July 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of June 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of May 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of April 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of March 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Welcome to the month of February 2020 || A message from the Pastor

Wisdom is the principal thing. In all your getting, get understanding
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Date Prayer Session (10:30-10:50)
7th July, 2024 Bro Tosin
14th July, 2024 Sis Martha
21st July, 2024 Sis Cynthia Bimbo
28th July, 2024 Bro Emeka