2024: My year of His Kingdom and His will

Sunday 19.03.2017

Lesson 29 – Fresh Anointing

Text: Psalm 92:1-15

Memory Verse:
“But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil”. Psalm 92:10

Lesson Outline

  1. God’s promises of fresh anointing
  2. Obtaining the fresh anointing

God’s promises of fresh anointing

  • Every genuinely born again christian has some degree of anointing. I John 2:27
  • Every believer who uses his/her anointing to work for God needs a refill of the anointing herein referred to as ’Fresh Anointing’. Psalm 92:10

Obtaining the fresh anointing

We can obtain fresh anointing:

  • Through daily life of thanksgiving and worship because a daily thanksgiving releases anointing. Psalm 108:1
  • Through sharing of testimony of God’s faithfulness. Ps 32:3
  • Through a life of biblical fasting and prayer. Is 40:31
  • Through commitment to the studying of the word of God. Psalm 107:20.

Highlights of the lesson

  • Refreshing our anointing is very important. Jesus christ was constantly refreshing himself. Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16.
  • Anointing is not for title but for specific purpose Acts 10:38.

 Review Question

  • Identify the blessings or benefits of fresh anointing as stated in Psalm 92:1-15.
  • Identify the roles that fresh anointing can play in church, ministry and society.

 Father, anoint me now with fresh anointing.

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