This year, as we trust God totally and yield to Him in absolute obedience and surrender, so shall we walk and dwell in diverse and innumerable abundance of our God’s blessings in Jesus name
Welcome to the Month of April 2023

Today is the fourteenth Sunday in the year 2023.
This month has been tagged “Our month of Manifestation”
Bible passages: Romans 8:19, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 2:15
Weekly Activities
Today is the 2nd Sunday of this month of April and we are presently in our Prayer Easter Sunday/worship service. You are welcome into His presence.

Our E-tracts and salvation video clips are published on a weekly basis. We implore everyone to use them on individual’s social media platforms and personal spaces.
Our house fellowship will not hold in the month of April due to our quarterly expository teaching holding same week.
Expository teaching for the month of April holds this week on Thursday the 13th through Friday the 14th of April, 2023.
- Time 7pm each day
For now, we will be having one mid-week service, alternating between Bible study and prayer meeting. This week on Tuesday, there will be no midweek service due to our expository teaching. holding same week.

On Tuesday the 18th of April, the children department’s movie time “The Chosen (life and ministry of Jesus on earth)” will continue. The movie will show twice in a month, on every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Children from 8 years and above are invited. Parents, please help bring the children for this special events.
Upcoming Events
The Teenagers’ all night prayer and movies will hold on Friday the 21st of April, 2023.

- Theme: Carriers of His presence
- Venue: Riga Island hotel, Latvia
- Time: Conference starts on Friday 28th at 3pm and ends on Saturday the 29th at 5pm.
- Accommodation: covers bed and breakfast; single bed (€40), double bed (€24), daily delegate (€5)
- Registration and payment details link: https://forms.gle/92E1bVV9RkEJB5ad6
Night vigil for the month of April will hold on Friday the 28th of April, 2023. More details will be announced later.

The Victorious women will be hosting Mothers’ Day celebration come Saturday the 13th and Sunday the 14th of May, 2023.
- Theme: Gatekeepers (Proverbs 8:34, Titus 2:3-5)
- Venue: Covenant Parish, Lansantie 23, 02630 Espoo, 2KRS.
- Details will be announced later
Covenant Parish choir (Covenant Voices) will be hosting our Praise weekend come Thursday the 22nd, Friday the 23rd and Sunday the 25th of June, 2023. Further details will be announced later.

- Theme: I-KNOW (Romans 8:28)
- Venue: Germany
- Registration fee: 200€, which covers both feeding and accommodation for three days.
- There are three phases of registration:
- Early Bird: 150 euros until April 30th
- Mid Registration: 180 euros until May 31st
- Late Registration: 200 euros until June 30th.
- Link to register: https://yayaeurope.org/register
- Check the flier for the venue and other important details!
General Notifications
As we must have noticed, the chairs in the church hall now has new covers. The Sanctuary keeper department wishes to implore we parents to ensure that our children does not write nor eat on the new chair covers.
The software training for the teens and youths kicked off on Saturday the 11th. Parents, please remember to drop and pick your children from the training. For more information please see brother Emmanuel Afolabi.
Nursing mothers, please remember to use a separate plastic bag placed in the female toilet to wrap up your children’s used diaper especially the one with poo before putting it in the big trash.
If you have prayer requests, you can submit them to the prayer box in the church’s corridor anonymously or with name. The prayer department will pray about them.
Parents please remind your children to bring their bible to church always. This is to establish and encourage in the children the lifestyle of coming to church with bible.
Ministers’ and workers’ meeting holds every Sunday morning by 10:30 am in the church hall. Let us endeavour to come on time.
Let us all learn to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper. When you notice someone is missing from Church, please call or message them. God bless you as you do so in Jesus name.