2024: My year of His Kingdom and His will


Remember that this is OUR YEAR OF KNOWING GOD MORE

This year, this month, as we journey on, may we know Him the more and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings and be made conformable unto His death in the name of Jesus.

Welcome to the Month of October 2020

Today is the fortieth Sunday in the year 2020.

This month has been tagged “OUR MONTH OF JOY UNSPEAKABLE.”

Bible passages: Psalm 51:11-12, Nehemiah 8:10 NIV, Isaiah 12:3 NIV, Habakkuk 3:17-18, Proverb 17:22, John 15:11, Philippians 4:4, Romans 8:37.

Weekly Activities

Today is the 1st Sunday of this month of October and we are presently in our thanksgiving service. You are welcome to our worship service.

The church has resumed but with special guidelines. The guidelines can be found on the members’ WhatsApp platform and here in general notifications.

The Teenagers fellowship holds every week on Sundays via zoom. Details of the meeting will be communicated via the group’s and the church’s platform.

For now, we will be having 1 midweek service, alternating between Bible study and prayer meeting. This week, we shall be having our prayer meeting.

  • On Tuesday, we shall be having our prayer meeting here in the church hall. The time is 7-8 pm.

Upcoming events

Gideon men will be having their monthly meeting on Sunday the 11th of October, 2020 by 5 pm. The venue will be communicated later.

Victorious Women will be having heir monthly meeting on Sunday the 18th of October, 2020 via zoom. The time is 6 pm.

Our Evangelism week for this month commences from Monday the 12th till Saturday the 17th of October, 2020.

The Teenagers will be having a special teenagers service on Sunday the 18th 0f October, 2020.

The Church is planning to design E–tracts and some personal salvation video clips of about 3 minutes. These are to be used on social media as pop-up adverts and also to be used on all church’s social media platforms for evangelism purpose. The church is, therefore, giving everybody the opportunity to participate in creating the contents. Hence, to achieve this great task:

  • We need interested individuals that will create the content of the E-tracts. Just 2-3 short sentences that carries salvation message.
  • Volunteers to make personal salvation video clips of about 3 minutes.
  • Interested persons should indicate and write their names with brother Godwin oawen.
  • All contents created should be forwarded to brother Godwin Oawen.
  • All content for E-tracts should be submitted on or before the end of August while that of the video clips should be submitted on or before the end of September.

General Notifications

Please, remember to fill up the vow leaflet. Write your name on it and return to the ushers once you’re done. If you don’t have a copy, ensure to ask the ushers for one.

Ministers’ and workers’ meeting holds every Saturday evening by 7 pm via Zoom. Details of every meeting will be communicated through our WhatsApp platform.

Let us all learn to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper. When you notice someone is missing from Church, please call or message them. God bless you as you do so in Jesus name.



We will be resuming church, but with special guidelines. Here is a list of guidelines to follow so our church is safe for worship.

  1. Church resumes on the 4th of July, 2020. The service will start at 11 am till 1 pm (2 hours).
    Note that the service will start by 11 am on the dot. So please come early so you can get ready in time.
  2. Automatic dispensers: At the church entrance and in the toilets, there will be automatic dispensers. Wash and disinfect your hands immediately you arrive. An usher will be on hand to give directions. Please listen to him/her.
  3. Patience: Patiently wait your turn at the corridor to hang you jackets, etc. The area is small and we still need to have some form of distancing.
  4. Church seats: The seats in the church hall will be arranged in a way that encourages social distancing. The seat next to you will be at least 2 meters away. Please do not make any adjustments to the sitting arrangement.
  5. Shaking hands: Avoid handshakes as much as possible. Disinfect your hands afterwards if you do.
  6. Children: Children of 6 years and above will sit in the adult church while age 5 and below will be in the children department. This is done to encourage distancing among the children as well.
  7. Live broadcast: We will continue to broadcast our services and use zoom to encourage the participation of those who may be unable to make it to church.
  8. Mid-week services: We shall hold one mid-week service per week, alternating between Bible study and prayer meeting.
  9. Toilet use: Wipes will be provided for the toilets. Wipe the surfaces of the seat and toilet fixtures before and after use. Remember to wash & disinfect your hands.
  10. Face masks: Face masks and hand gloves will be available for everybody most especially for older members (age 50+). It is recommended to use a face mask in public places and gatherings. So please feel free to make use of them.
  11. Toys: Children’s toys in the children department will be taken away for now.
  12. Offerings: All our givings (offerings, tithe, etc) should be done preferably online for now using the church’s account details. Please ask if you do not have the details. Also, please do not hesitate to give cash if online is impossible or difficult for you.
  13. Snacks & food: Our “after-the-service-welfare package” (snacks, food, drinks) will be on hold for now.

Note: Let us remember that these guidelines are not to create panic rather, it is to play our part as individuals and as a responsible organization in inhibiting the spread of the virus and in keeping safe. May the Lord heal our land completely in Jesus name (amen).

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