2024: My year of His Kingdom and His will

It is 2016!

This year and this month, the Lines shall fall for you in pleasant places, and you will have a goodly heritage in Jesus Name.

  • Remember that this is our year of Signs and Wonders. Don’t let this theme remain a cliche. Pray it into manifestation

Welcome to the Month of June!

  • This Month of June has been declared as the month of MY COMMITMENT TO GOD. The focus Bible passages are John 4:27-42, Romans 12:1-2, Deuteronomy 10:12-13
  • This week our weekly activities will continue as usual. On Tuesday, we shall continue our study of the Book of JOEl, and on Thursday, our prayer meeting will hold. Venue is Kotikylantie 5, 02770, Espoo.
  • It will be the turn of the Gideon Men to join hands with the sanitation department today to clean the church premises after the service. It will be the Youths’ turn on the 19th of June then on the 26th of June, everyone will join hands with the sanitation department to clean up the premises.
  • Building Project is still going on. Please be a contributor.  We have already started receiving payments for the pledges made during the anniversary. You can begin to pay on a monthly basis into the church account. Just remember to write “building pledge as a message. See Sister Jennifer for more information.
    • the building committee is presently working on getting a place of worship for the church and we intend to move before the end of this year so please let us all be actively involved in finding a place. If you find or know of any place please contact Brother Lolade.
  • The Europe mainland region 3 women conference is holding from Friday 8th-9th of July 2016 in Sweden. The theme is “In God’s fullness”. The details will be communicated through the women’s communication platform.
  • The Europe Mainland Youth Conference is holding from 30th June to 3rd July, 2016 in Paris, France. The theme of the conference is arrayed for destiny; Ruth 3:3b. Youths get ready. Registration is 50 euros. See Bro Olumide for details.
    • The youths of Hosanna chapel and Covenant Parish would be having a casual get-together on the 25th of June, 2016 by 2pm. Let the youths take note and make it a date. See bro Olumide for details.
    • RCCG Finland National Youth Conference is coming up on the 23rd & 24th of September, 2016. The theme is Called & Chosen. Youths get ready. More details to be announced soon.
  • If you have not been baptized or you are not sure about your previous baptismal status, register NOW for Baptismal training. The next Baptism will hold in 1st week of July. Please see sister Lisa if you are interested.
  • The children department needs more hands in teaching the children so we need dedicated volunteers who are ready to serve in that department. We want to use this medium to appreciate those who have already volunteered. Please see sister Bukky if you are interested and willing. God bless you as you rise to the occasion.
    • The Children teachers should check the notice board on the church website for the roaster of their participation in the children’s department. The address is rccgcovenant.com/notice-board.
  • All workers should remember to check the online noticeboard regularly to know when they are officiating either in the workers’ meeting or the weekly service. Visit it at www.rccgcovenant.com/notice-board.
  • Pastor Mark, our National Coordinator sends his appreciation to all those who were a part of the planning, execution and attendance of the National Convention. He believes the Blessings of God has come to stay permanently in your life.
  • RCCG Jesus Centre, Turku, will be having their 10 years Anniversary Celebration this week. The programme starts from Friday to Sunday. We are cordially invited.
    • Friday (Marriage Seminar)
    • Saturday (7 Hours praise)
    • Sunday (Anniversary thanksgiving service)
  • We have started streaming part of our church services online. So please inform those who are not able to make it to service (pregnant/nursing mothers, sick, etc), to join us live. The link is www.facebook.com/rccgcovenantparishespoo/
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