2024: My year of His Kingdom and His will

It is 2016!

This year and this month, the Lines shall fall for you in pleasant places, and you will have a goodly heritage in Jesus Name.

  • Remember that this is our year of Signs and Wonders. Don’t let this theme remain a cliche. Pray it into manifestation

Welcome to the Month of NOVEMBER!

  • This Month of November has been tagged OUR MONTH OF HARVEST. The focus Bible passages are: Isaiah 62:8-9, Isaiah 3:10, Psalm 85:12, Leviticus 26:5, Psalm 67:6

Weekly Activities:

  • Today is our special thanksgiving service so let us all enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His court with praise. Let us remember that our thanksgiving offering is an integral part of our thanksgiving, it should not be an after thought. Please, let us always come prepared.
    • If you want to testify to the goodness of the Lord please inform the nearest usher to you so that we can have a list of the testifiers before the testimony time.
  • This week, our weekly activities will continue as usual. On Tuesday, we would continue our study of the book of Romans. On Thursday, our prayer meeting will hold. Venue is Kotikylantie 5, 02770, Espoo.
  • Today, the Gideon men would be having an emergency meeting at Reverend Aderibigbe’s place by 5 pm. The address is Tiistinkallio 1c 27.
  • After the service today, everyone will join hands with the ushers to clean up the premises.
  • The Victorious women will be having their monthly meeting today at Sister Ruth Olanrewaju’s place by 4 pm. The address is Trumpettitie 5c, Kannelmäki.
  • The families of Ibidokun and Ogunbowale will be dedicating their babies  to the Lord today.
  • Prayers for pregnant women and expectant mothers holds every Sunday immediately after service. Please immediately after the Service just join the Pastors in the other room.
  • We have started streaming the full church service online. So please inform those who are not able to make it to service (pregnant/nursing mothers, sick, etc), to join us live. The link is www.facebook.com/rccgcovenantparishespoo/

Upcoming Events:

  • The Gideon men conference would be holding on the 13th of November 2016 by 11:30 am-3:00 pm at LANSANTIE 23, 02630, Espoo. The theme is Men at war:Fighting for the soul of your home.
  • The Choir will be having a Carol evening filled with Joyful songs on the 10th of December 2016. The Theme is a King is born. More details will be announced later.
  • The Children will be having a Christmas Service on the 11th of December, 2016. More details to be announced later.
  • Building Project is still going on. Please be a contributor.  We have already started receiving payments for the pledges made during the anniversary. You can begin to pay on a monthly basis into the church account . Just remember to write “building pledge as a message. See Brother Lolade for more information.
    • The dedication service of our new place of worship would be coming up on the 13th of November 2016 at LANSANTIE 23, 02630, Espoo by 11:00 am. Ministering is Pastor Mark Etie (National Coordinator, Finland).
    • On the 12th of November, we will be having a night vigil involving all ministers, prayer band members and building committee members starting from 12 midnight. The venue is our new place of worship, LANSANTIE 23. We are praying to dedicate and sanctify that place for God’s use and glory.
      • The church has declared fasting for this special day so let all concerned take note.
    • Today is our last day of worship here. Let us  endeavour to inform everyone we meet that come 13th of November 2016, we would be worshipping in our new house of worship, LANSANTIE 23. Let us try to inform as many people as possible because we are of the opinion that another church might start using this place as soon as we vacate the place. So, to avoid confusion, let us inform everyone we know that ever stepped into this church that RCCG Covenant Parish is moving from here after the 6th of November and starting from 13th of November, our services will continuously hold in our new place of worship.
    • We need more volunteers for the Sanitation/Church Maintenance department so please do not hesitate to indicate interest if you are still willing to volunteer. May God take out every filth from your life as you do so in Jesus name.
    • Concerning the list of items needed given out last week, please remember to write your name on your list and tick the item you are donating to the church then return the list to the ushers for collation.
  • Our last workers meeting of the year will be holding on the 19th of November, 2016 at the church auditorium. We would be doing a review of this year and plan for the new year as well. In line with this, all heads of department should  note the following:
    • Prepare a report for your department before you come to the meeting. Report should contain:
      • Summary of your department activities during the year.
      • List of programmes your department plans to organise next year and the likely dates.
      • Expected financial budget for your department next year.
    • By the 1st Sunday in 2017, we want to have our year 2017 official calendar printed for the first time and it will contain all the programmes and activities of all departments.

Workers Notification

  • This is to inform all workers that workers meeting is of great importance. So as workers, let us endeavour to be in attendance. It usually starts by 11:00 am, every Sunday.
  • All workers and Children teachers should check the notice board on the church website for the roaster of their participation in the children’s department. The address is rccgcovenant.com/notice-board.

Other Announcement

  • All ministers should please wait after the service for a brief meeting with the pastors.
  • The choir needs more instrumentalists. If you are gifted in playing any musical instrument, please meet with the choir master after the service.
  • The technical department also needs more hands so if you are gifted in mixing and setting musical instruments please do not hesitate to meet with the choir master.
  • The Ushering department also needs more hands. If you are convinced that the Lord is leading you to serve in this department, please meet with bro Lolade Tayoh.
  • The children teachers have been making efforts to train the children in the word of the Lord. Parents should actively participate in achieving this by helping the children to memorise the bible verses given to them.
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